Thursday, January 27, 2011


In Memory and Honor of Francois Henri "Jack" LaLanne (Sept. 26, 1914 – Jan. 23, 2011)

Feats and Honors

1954 Age 40: Swam the length of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge underwater with 140 pounds of equipment, including two air tanks… an undisputed world record.

1955 Age 41: Swam, handcuffed, from Alcatraz to Fisherman’s Wharf in
San Francisco, CA.

1956 Age 42: Set a world record of 1,033 pushups in 23 minutes on “You Asked for It, a TV Show with Art Baker.

1957 Age 43: Swam the treacherous Golden Gate Channel, towing a 2,500-pound cabin cruiser. This involved fighting the cold, swift ocean currents that made the 1 mile swim a 6 ½ mile test of strength and endurance.

1958 Age 44: Maneuvered a paddleboard 30 miles, 9-½ hours non-stop from Farallon Islands to the San Francisco shore.

1959 Age 45: Completed 1,000 pushups and 1,000 chin-ups in 1 hours and 22
minutes. “Happy” is born and The Jack LaLanne Show goes nationwide

1974 Age 60: Swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf, for a second time handcuffed, shackled and towing a 1,000-pound boat.

1975 Age 61: Swam the length of the Golden Gate Bridge, underwater, for a second time handcuffed, shackled and towing a 1,000-pound boat.

1976 Age 62: Commemorating the “Spirit of ‘76”, swam 1 mile in Long Beach Harbor, handcuffed, shackled and towing 13 boats (representing the 13 original colonies) containing 76 people.

1979 Age 65: Towed 65 boats filled with 6,500-pounds of Lousiana Pacific wood pulp while handcuffed and shackled in Lake Ashinoko, near Tokyo, Japan.

1980 Age 66: Towed 10 boats in North Miami, Florida filled with 77 people for over a mile in less than 1 hour.

1984 Age 70: Handcuffed, shackled and fighting strong winds and currents, towed 70 boats with 70 people from the Queen’s Way Bridge in the Long Beach Harbor to the Queen Mary, 1 ½ miles.  
1992 Age 78: Academy of Body Building and Fitness Award

1994 Age 80: State of California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness Lifetime Achievement Award

1996 Age 82: Dwight D. Eisenhower Fitness Award

1999 Age 85: Spirit of Muscle Beach Award

2002 Age 88: Jack receives his very own star on the Hollywood Blvd. Walk of Fame

2004 Age 90: Jack celebrates his birthday with a major media blitz in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. ESPN Classic runs a 24 Hour marathon of the original Jack LaLanne Shows

2005 Age 91: Received the Jack Webb Award from the Los Angeles Police Historical Society, the Arnold Classic Lifetime Achievement Award, Interglobal’s International Infomercial Award, the Freddie, Medical Media Public Service Award, and he was a Free Spirit honoree at Al Neuharth’s Freedom Fourm.

2007 Age 93: Received the Treasures of Los Angeles Award, Lifetime Achievement Award from Muscle Beach, and the Y.M.C.A. Impact Award.

2008 Age 94: Inducted into the California Hall of Fame, Parker Seminars Award, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities from the Southern California University of Health Sciences, receives the People of Vision Award from the RP International, receives the Heroes Humanity Award, and was inducted into the Gallery of Legends hosted by the World Acrobatics Society.

2009 Age 95: Jack receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Club Industry. Jack LaLanne days were observed in San Francisco and Los Angeles.


I don’t remember exactly when I started watching “The Jack LaLanne Show” , that brought all of us who were around during the early days of television America’s greatest exercise fitness ~ ever ~ right to our own living rooms,  but I do remember being impressed by the two white German shepherds who often shared the stage with Jack LaLanne.

When I was somewhat older, I also remember being struck with how honest, simple, and direct his message was. He didn't try to sell you any dubious gadgets, techniques, or diet plans, even though he certainly had the opportunity and the means to do so. He preached a simple diet of natural, whole foods, along with basic strength training and regular physical activity as he put it on most of his shows: "Exercise is king; nutrition is queen.   Put 'em together and you've got a kingdom!"

The other key ingredient in LaLanne's approach was constantly challenging yourself to do the best you can. And when it came to setting and achieving personal challenges, he truly led by example as you can see in his highly commendable feats and honors above.

More than anyone else, LaLanne was responsible for debunking the idea that turning 40 is the end of the road when it comes to exercise and fitness.  Jack's wife of 51 years, Elaine, and his three children are planning to keep the LaLanne fitness enterprise going, which includes an exercise program for seniors called Better Balance for Life, and a variety of books and videos (see their website for more info).  The family is planning a funeral service in Los Angeles for the first or second week of February.

Has Jack LaLanne helped inspire your personal health and fitness journey?

Check this out:

Blessed for your highest good!

><>  Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
PH: 734-646-5582

Monday, January 24, 2011



1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer 
  cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have
  multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients
  that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after 
  treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
  cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a 
  person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer
  cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
  forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has
  nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,
  but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing
   diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day
    and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
  cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells
  in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can
  cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7.. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars
  and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often
  reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of
  chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
  chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either
  compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb
  to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to
    mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.
    Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer
    cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made
  with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute
   would be honey or molasses, but only in very small
   amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in
  color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
  gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting
  off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer
  cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based
  diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat,
   like chicken. Meat also contains livestock
  antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all
  harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole
  grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into
  an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked
  food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live
  enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to
  cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance
  growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building
  healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most
  vegetables including be an sprouts) and eat some raw
  vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
  temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high
  caffeine Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer
  fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
  filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap
  water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of
    digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the
    intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By
    refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes
    to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
    body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system
    (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,
    EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy
    cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known
    to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
    normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or
    unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.
    A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior
   be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put
   the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to
   have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated
    environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to
    get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen
    therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer

Sunday, January 16, 2011


This January I participated (on-line web conference) in the new "Exercise is Medicine" global conference.   VERY exciting and extremely encouraging global health initiative!

Click here:

Blessed for your highest good,
~ Sherry

><>  Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
PH: 734-646-5582