April is National Soyfoods Month and a great time to discover the wonderful taste and health benefits of soyfoods. There are many options that allow you to enjoy natural, delicious soyfoods at any meal or snack. Soybeans play a part in a healthy, well-balanced diet, as they nourish the body with high quality protein.
Research has shown soyfoods may have a role in the prevention of some cancers, like breast and prostate cancer; relief of menopausal symptoms; helping diabetes and weight management; and reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Soyfoods support positive growth across your entire lifespan, from infancy through adulthood, and are available in such an extensive range of options that there is sure to be something for everyone.
Fun facts about Soybeans: http://www.michfb.com/care/mifoodienews/208/1863/?zbrandid=4086&zidType=CH&zid=6101345&zsubscriberId=1009361156&zbdom=http://mfb.informz.net
If soyfoods are a new adventure for you, think about trying one different soyfood a week for a month. Use online search engines to find multiple recipes using one ingredient, such as soymilk or soy flour, or consider these tips:
Week 1: use soymilk in coffee, added to a smoothie, on cereal, or in pancake or muffin batter
Week 2: try tofu pureed with seasonings and cheese and used as the base for a pasta sauce (thinned out with soymilk), pureed with dry ranch dressing mix or curry powder as a vegetable dip or baked potato topping, pureed with frozen fruit for a fruit or graham cracker dip or used in a cheesecake
Week 3: buy canned black or tan soybeans or frozen green soybeans (edamame) and use them in place of other beans, add to salads, soups, or casseroles
Week 4: roast your own or buy soynuts and eat some as a snack, crush and use them as a crunchy coating for fish or chicken, or add to salads, ice cream sundaes, or cookies
Besides being delicious, soyfoods can help curb your appetite. Their high quality protein provides satiety, or a sense of fullness, not leaving you hungry. You can tame your hunger with soyfoods while also enjoying fewer calories, less saturated fat, and no cholesterol!
For more information and great recipes, visit http://www.soyfoodsmonth.org
><> Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
Website: www.EmpoweredHealthFitness.com
Website: www.raindroptherapy.net
PH: 734-646-5582
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