Monday, October 18, 2010


10 Tips For Beginning Runners

August 18, 2009 by

1. Take stock of your current health and fitness level.If you have been sedentary, have or suspect health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint problems. If you know you have no major health problems, starting a light to moderate intensity exercise program such as brisk walking usually does not require a physical, but check with your doctor for his or her opinion in your specific case. Remember that the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle are much greater than the risks of exercise.

2. Be safe.Don’t run/walk in “high crime” areas. When running after dark, be sure to wear reflective clothing, carry a small flashlight, and assume drivers don’t see you. Well-lighted neighborhoods are a good choice. Women should run with a partner or a dog if possible, and consider carrying pepper spray. Runners and walkers should never use headphones outdoors, as it makes it impossible to hear traffic or an approaching attacker. Always carry ID.

3. Start slowly and build up gradually.Most people should start with a brisk walking program and progress to a mix of alternating walking and jogging. Eventually you should be able to run the entire distance you desire at a comfortable pace. At that point you can increase weekly mileage about 10% every 3rd week, depending on your goals. For health and fitness there is generally no need to run more than about 15 miles per week, along with some strength and flexibility training. Those wishing to progress to competitive running should seek out experienced runners or coaches for advice.

4. Using the right type of shoes helps prevent injuries.Shin splints and runner’s knee are preventable with proper conditioning AND the right running shoe type. There are 3 basic types for different running mechanics:
1. Motion Control – generally best choice for flat feet and “floppy ankles” (over pronation or rolling too far to the inside after foot touches down). Shoes should be straight lasted and often will have a full board last inside plus a harder rubber or plastic area on the inner (arch support) side of heel to control excess movement.
2. Stability – generally best for normal arches, will have a semi-curved last and a moderate amount of motion control.
3. Cushioned – generally best for high arches and “clunk foot”; these feet are usually very rigid and ‘under pronate,” i.e., feet do not roll to the inside far enough after foot touches down and therefore make poor shock absorbers. Shoes should have a curved or semi-curved last, extra cushioning, a full slip last (no board inside), and be very flexible.

5. Do the “wet test” to see what type of foot you have.Wet feet and step onto some paper on a hard surface. (Even better is to run a short distance barefoot on sand.) A “blob” footprint with little arch indicates flat feet. Two ‘islands’ with a lot of space between the heel and ball indicates high arches. A normal arch will look like the classic cartoon footprint.

6. Make sure the shoe fits!The best shoe for you is one that fits your foot type and running mechanics and also is the right length and width. Try on running shoes with the socks you plan to run in, and toward the end of the day when feet are larger. You should have about one thumb’s width of room between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Shoes should be wide enough that foot does not feel pinched on the sides, but not a sloppy fit or one that slips at the heel. Jog a bit in the store to see how the shoes feel and fit.

7. Dress for the weather.In cold weather wear several lightweight layers, hat and gloves to trap body heat. You can unzip or remove layers if you get too warm. In hot weather wear as little as the law allows, and don’t forget the sunscreen. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration and plan ahead so you can get fluids during longer runs.

8. Run with good form.Shoulders should be relaxed with elbows bent to about 90 degrees as arms swing smoothly forward and back with no twisting of the torso. Arms should not cross the center of body and hands should pass just above the “hip pocket” on each forward and backward motion. The upper body should be nearly upright, with a very slight forward lean. Don’t run on the toes or hit hard with the heel, but rather land as softly as possible with foot nearly flat. The foot should be flexed upward slightly just before foot lands. Breathe naturally through both the nose and mouth. If you’re gasping for air – slow down!

9. Most running injuries are avoidable!Following the tips on proper footwear, form, and starting slowly will greatly reduce your chances of common beginners’ complaints such as shin splints and knee pain. Basic strength and flexibility exercises can prevent and correct muscle imbalances responsible for most running injuries. If you do have a running injury, find the cause rather than just treating the symptoms.

10. Ignore the myths.The bulk of scientific evidence shows that running, even in ultra-marathon runners, does not cause osteoarthritis in the hips or knees if these joints were healthy to begin with. In fact, weight-bearing exercise such as running probably prevents arthritis, since the incidence in long-time runners is about half that of non-runners, including swimmers.

Blessed for your highest good!

><>  Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
PH: 734-646-5582

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