Monday, October 18, 2010


8 Weight Lifting Rules & Regs

August 18, 2009 by

RULE #1 ~ When you are exercising, you do not want to hold your breath. You should exhale as you exert energy, for example, you would exhale as you lift the weight for a biceps curl and you would inhale as you return the weight to the starting position.

RULE #2 ~ It is better to lift less weight properly, than to lift a heavier weight incorrectly.  Not only are not getting the correct muscle, but you are setting yourself up for injury.

RULE #3 ~ Be careful how you lift the weights, you should bend down, pick up the weight, hold it next to your body and stand up using your legs instead of your back.

RULE #4 ~ When using the bench press be sure to use collars to hold the weight on.  In doing so you prevent the weights from falling off and doing serious damage.

RULE #5 ~ It is always best to have a spotter if you are using a piece of equipment you have not used before, or if you are using heavy weights. The spotter can also help you finish a set or help you if you should run into a problem.

RULE #6 ~ When you exercise you will feel your muscles working, or what they call a burn, this is normal.  What is not normal is a pain in the joints or any other pain you might feel.  If you do experience pain, stop immediately.

RULE #7 ~ If you are doing an exercise alone and get into trouble do not drop the weight as this can cause you injury.  Instead, bring the weight close to your body and lower it to the floor, or if someone is close by ask them to take the weight from you.

RULE #8 ~ It is not pleasant seeing a piece of equipment covered with sweat, so please be sure to spray it down and dry it off. After you have finished your workout you should put the weights away where they belong.

Blessed for your highest good!

><>  Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
PH: 734-646-5582


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