Saturday, November 13, 2010


Work Out While You Work

Starting with where you park your car, you can build easy exercise strategies into your workday in no time at all and burn extra calories each day that can really add up in the week. Start with these 10 office exercises.
The reality is that most of us sit too much, either driving in a car or at our desks. “Our spines, legs, and arms weren’t supposed to be sitting all day. It can make some abnormal curves in your spine that can really create a lot of strain on your back muscles
Being sedentary also can affect your circulation. You can be more at risk for leg swelling and also blood clots in your legs.
Studies have shown that the less you move during the day, the less productive you are.
1. Park Far Away ~ Park a reasonable distance from where you need to be and walk the rest of the way. If you use a parking garage, consider this strategy: Park on a lower level, climb the stairs to a higher level, and walk back down the ramp. You can do this easy exercise any time in your day, whether going to your job or running errands on the weekend.

2. Take The Stairs ~ Whether you need to talk to a colleague on another floor or you just have a few extra minutes, climbing stairs is an excellent office exercise to burn fat, tone muscle, and get your heart pumping. Keep a stylish pair of sneakers or cross-trainers at work for walking and stair-climbing
3. Stand Up For Exercise ~ One of the big things that I have people do is try to interrupt their sitting. Use the speakerphone, for example. Because if you don’t have to be sitting and writing, you could stand and pace and that helps with the circulation and with the spine  Try to find time to stand at intervals throughout the day or rearrange your workspace to have a standing workstation rather than a seated one.
4. Switch out your chair for a stability ball ~ Trade in your desk chair for a stability ball or invest in one of the hemisphere versions that sits on your chair.  It makes you use your legs a little bit more, as well as helps strengthen your core. Tips: Arch your back slightly, tuck your tummy in, and keep your feet flat on the floor and all joints (knees, ankles, hips) at 90-degree angles.
5.Work your arms with light hand weights and/or resistance bands ~ You may not be able to pump iron at work, but you can still stretch and tone.: Start with a few shoulder rolls, both forward and backward, and gentle neck rolls. If you have time, add in a biceps curl or triceps extension. You can keep light hand weights at your desk or use a resistance band tied to a drawer handle.
6. Do calf raises, toe flex, and leg stretches ~ No one can see what you’re doing under your desk, so take frequent opportunities to stretch your legs and feet. Start with flat feet, and then raise and lower the heel of each foot 5 to 10 times. Next switch to lifting your toes: Raise one leg and point your toe slowly 5 to 10 times; do the same on the other side. Finally, raise one leg and circle your ankle several times; switch legs.
7.Get up and move ~ Time management can help you build easy exercise into your workday. “I know a lot of times people say, ‘Okay, this morning I am going to crank out this report,’ and then they sit for three hours straight,” says Reicherter. It’s much better to break up your sitting time every hour or so with other activities. Work at your desk for 45 minutes and then get up to make a phone call or do some filing.

8.Try Yoga or Tai Chai ~ Yoga or tai chi will give you some options for easy exercise you can do virtually anywhere. Both of these workout styles emphasize flexibility, balance, and attention to your breathing. They can be relaxing in addition to supporting your overall health. Work with a trained teacher or physical therapist to create a mini-routine for an office workout.

9. Perform Desk Push Ups ~ A great piece of equipment for office exercise could be right at your fingertips: your desk. Take a few moments to do some push-ups at your desk. This will strengthen your arms and shoulders. Stand up facing your desk, place your hands shoulder width apart, and slowly lower your torso toward the desk; then slowly push back up, and repeat several times. Challenge yourself by adding to the number of reps you complete each day.
10 Use Stress Balls for toning ~ These tough little rubber or foam fist-sized balls are not just for stress relief.  I strongly recommend them as a way to strengthen and tone your hands.  With repetition, you can really gain some arm strength.  It’s especially good for people who type a lot. Keeping those muscles strong and flexible can help prevent wrist and hand problems. Best of all, you can do this quick workout without leaving your desk.

Blessed for your highest good!

><>  Sherry Perkins
Personal Fitness Training and Certified Raindrop Therapy Practitioner
Empowered Fitness and Holistic Health
PH: 734-646-5582

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